Mesenchymal stem cells of the umbilical cord tissue represent an alternative to cell therapy for the regeneration of damaged tissues of the body. These procedures are called regenerative medicine.
Today, stem cells from umbilical cord tissue are used in patients suffering from liver failure, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, heart muscle damage, and myelodysplasia. The results of these studies so far have shown that the use of mesenchymal cells from umbilical cord tissue is feasible and safe for patients.
The immunosuppressive and immunomodulating abilities of mesenchymal stem cells can help with chronic inflammatory and autoimmune processes.
Stem cells obtained from umbilical cord blood today more than 80 types of diseases for treatment are used.
Mainly in the case of oncological and hematological (blood-forming organ) diseases (leukemias, lymphomas, organ cancers), acquired or inherited malfunctions of blood formation, immunity, metabolism (metabolism) and others.
However, cord blood also contains other types of stem cells that come from the child's early development and can transform into different types of cells (such as muscle, bone, cartilage, liver cells, or heart muscle cells). These cells represent a huge potential for a brand new field of medicine – regenerative medicine, which deals with the renewal (regeneration) of damaged organs.
The healing and regenerative capacity of umbilical cord blood is also investigated in the following cases: in children suffering from cerebral palsy, brain damage during birth, type 1 diabetes, and hearing loss.
The doctors of the Russian Medical Center, with a suitable institutional background, take the samples in compliance with the strict rules for taking umbilical cord blood.
• Debrecen – Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic
• Nyíregyháza – Jósa András Teaching Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology