The combined test is a complex test that, based on international and domestic experience, can identify high-risk cases of Down's disease with a hit accuracy of 90%. The test is based on a combination of maternal history data, an ultrasound examination performed according to FMF criteria (occipital fold thickness) and the measurement of two hormones (free B-hCG and PAPP-A) from the mother's blood. The results are analyzed with the help of a computer software developed for this purpose, which can be used to calculate the probability of the occurrence of Down's disease in each pregnancy. The purpose of the test is to identify cases in which the risk of Down's disease reaches a level above which a DNA-based test can be performed from the mother's blood or a diagnostic sampling involving the risk of miscarriage (the invasive fetal chromosome test) is recommended.
Based on the fetal occipital fold thickness measured during the ultrasound examination and the results of the biochemical test (free B-hCG or PAPP-A), the computer program indicates that the so-called background risk how it changes. This is how you can calculate the individualized, so-called calculated risk. The results of the tests also enable the risk assessment of Edwards syndrome and Patau syndrome. These are much rarer and more serious chromosomal abnormalities.
The result is a ratio for each of the three disorders (e.g. 1:100, which means that in 1 out of 100 similar cases the fetus actually has Down syndrome, while in 99 cases it does not). The result of the screening test is considered positive if it exceeds a certain threshold value. According to the domestic professional recommendation limit value 1:250. In the case of a higher risk (e.g. 1:100), it may be justified to carry out a fetal free DNA test or one of the diagnostic methods (chorion biopsy or amniocentesis) that can be performed from the mother's blood (in this case, the probability of the occurrence of the disease is almost as high as the chance of miscarriage after taking a fetal sample).
THE negative result of combined test (low risk) does not represent a full guarantee for the health of the fetus, only a indicates a low probability of a chromosomal abnormality after analyzing the aforementioned data.
Some of the filtered cases are so-called it gives a "false positive" result, which means that despite the abnormal values, it is a healthy fetus (which we cannot yet know when the test is performed). This is a small part of all cases, approx. 3-5%-a. We also offer these pregnant women DNA-based tests (fetal free DNA test, invasive sampling).
Further care of the screened positive cases will take place at the Genetic Counselor of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of DE KK.