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Family planning consultation before pregnancy

Family planning means conscious preparation for having a child and preparation for conception, which is recommended for couples who want to have a baby in the near future, but are not yet trying to conceive. The family planning process includes a general consultation and a complex gynecological condition assessment with the necessary routine examinations.
family planning consultation
The purpose of the family planning consultation is to reduce to a minimum level all the harmful effects that can damage the development of the baby during the most sensitive stage of the embryo's development, the first 12 weeks. Its purpose is to reveal risk factors that threaten the successful creation or maintenance of pregnancy, such as the tendency to thrombosis associated with miscarriage, thyroid function deviations, insulin resistance.
We can only benefit from family planning, which is why we recommend it to all couples planning to have children. Expectant mothers can thus prepare for pregnancy much more calmly and do not have to worry about unexpected complications occurring during pregnancy.
In cases where the couple has previously had an unsuccessful pregnancy, infertility or repeated miscarriages, in accordance with the latest guidelines, we try to facilitate the discovery of the underlying causes as early as possible with a detailed investigation plan.

Family planning consultation, i.e. preconception counseling, is recommended in the following cases:

  • The need for timely recognition and treatment of factors hindering a successful pregnancy (uterine malformations, ovarian changes)  
  • Age over 35 years
  • Any maternal chronic disease (e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.)
  • Previous pregnancy with an unfavorable outcome, miscarriage, chromosomally defective fetus
  • Previous preterm birth  
  • History of fetal malformation  
  • Infertility of unknown origin, recurrent miscarriages  
  • Genetic disease occurring in the family, genetic carrier  
  • Thrombosis tendency, bleeding tendency
  • Worried patients  

Do you need a gynecological or obstetrical examination? Make an appointment today Debrecen obsession from Nyíregyháza to our diagnostic center!

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