The prevalence of congenital malformations of the female genital tract in the average female population is 4-7%, and among those with habitual miscarriage/infertility it is higher 12-15%.
It developed as a result of a fusion disorder of the uterus hedge (uterus septus/subseptus) is the most common uterine malformation. Less severe forms whenever partially divided uterine cavity, or only indentation, "heart-shaped" uterine cavity can be verified. The disease is often recognized after several miscarriages.
If only one half of the uterus develops, then of unicorn bee (uterus unicornis) we are talking about. In the case of complete failure of union of the Müller tubes uterus with two horns, two mouths and double vagina (uterus et vagina duplex) develops. As a result of fusion disorder bee with two necks and two horns (uterus bicornis bicollis), a bee with a neck and two horns (uterus bicornis unicollis) may develop. In these cases, the probability of pregnancy is much lower, if it does occur, we can more often expect miscarriage or premature birth. Some of the developmental disorders become apparent already in the period around the first menstruation, others are difficulties with sexual intercourse, or it is recognized in connection with infertility.