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Gynecological ultrasound examination

The purpose of the examination is to review the female pelvis and to recognize the most common gynecological diseases and disorders as soon as possible.
During an ultrasound examination, we receive information about the space-occupying processes in the pelvis and their exact localization. The uterine muscle tumor can be detected, its size can be measured and its exact location in the uterine wall can be established. During the examination of the ovaries, ovarian cysts can be detected, their size can be measured and their structure can be assessed. Changes in the endometrium can be detected, as well as ovarian cysts and various inflammations affecting the uterus or ovaries and fallopian tubes. With the ultrasound examination, we can get answers to the causes of various bleeding disorders and the background of spasmodic lower abdominal complaints.
The best way to examine the pelvic organs with ultrasound is through the vagina. This is necessary because the specially shaped probe (transducer) can be placed directly in the pelvis, bypassing the abdominal wall. The higher ultrasound frequency available with the vaginal head provides a more detailed image. In some cases, it may be necessary to supplement the vaginal ultrasound with an abdominal ultrasound examination.

Do you need a gynecological or obstetrical examination? Make an appointment today Debrecen obsession from Nyíregyháza to our diagnostic center!

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